8769962650 oxfordhnd@gmail.com

1.OUR MOTTO:“Together for a better World”

2.OUR EMBLEM: Is represented by a word in which there is the image of Mary Our Help and the educative community. With the help of Mary our mother and model we want to build a better world of love, freedom, sincerity and justice in communion with one another.

3. COLOURS:– Pink and Blue are our school colours. Pink symbolizes youthful cheerfulness and blue stands for loyalty and fidelity.

4. PARENTS:By right parents are the primary educators of their children.Therefore the school considers their formation and involvement indispensable. The meetings of educative community which the parents are expected to attend have the following objectives:

i)To get to know them with the philosophy and vision of the school.
ii)To involve them in the formulation,implementation and evaluation of the educative project.
iii)To offer relevant programs for the personal formation of the parents.
Parents, involvement in the school is encouraged and appreciated. However it is a voluntary service and in no way connected or appearing to be connected with extra privileges or interface in the administration of the school.

5) PRINCIPAL: The principal is primarily responsible for maintaining the atmosphere, the life -style and the tone of the school and for seeing that all structures, activities and attitudes are in accordance with the philosophy of the school.

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Agrasen Vihar, Hindaun City Dist. Karauli (Rajasthan) - 322230

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