8769962650 oxfordhnd@gmail.com


Orphan Children

orphan in many industrialized countries, where a child must have lost both parents to qualify as an orphan. UNICEF and numerous international organizations adopted the broader definition of orphan in the mid-1990s as the AIDS pandemic began leading to the death of millions of parents worldwide, leaving an ever increasing number of children growing up without one or more parents. So the terminology of a ‘single orphan’ – the loss of one parent – and a ‘double orphan’ – the loss of both parents – was born to convey this growing crisis. However, this difference in terminology can have concrete implications for policies and programming for children. For example, UNICEF’s ‘orphan’ statistic might be interpreted to mean that globally there are 140 million children in need of a new family, shelter, or care. This misunderstanding may then lead to responses that focus on providing care for individual children rather than supporting the families and communities that care for orphans and are in need of support.

Old Age Home

An old age care centre, The Oxford Shikshan Sansthan - NGO was established in 1989 the mission was one-to care helpless and hapless. The primary objective of organization is to advocate, care, teach and serve them with compassion, kindness and respect for bringing happiness in their lives. The people and staffs who associated with us do not work as profession but they just serve the needy with enthusiasm and passion. Our primary aim is to offer long term health care needs to your family and friends.

Health Treatement Service

Urban ghetto tenants experience the sick consequences of unfriendly well being conditions inferable from for the maximum part reasons – first the absence of coaching and alongside these traces absence of mindfulness; and 2d the reluctance to lose multi day’s pay that allows you to arrive on the closest therapeutic workplace. Medicinal offerings for oppressed, that’s a pressing need, in this way remains unaddressed. The need of fantastic significance is alongside those lines a dimensional technique – first to deliver great social insurance administrations to doorsteps of the penniless and 2nd to strengthen human services mindfulness and cutting-edge medicinal offerings seeking out behavior most of the oppressed.

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